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Sunday 26 February 2012

I ♥ my daddy

Yup, I sure do :)

Over here in my part of the world, father's day is coming up. Like everything in Belgium, we like to keep things complicated and diverse. So while the greater part of the country celebrates father's day in June, the Antwerp area celebrates father's day on the the 19th of March. Antwerp chose that day, way back when, because that date marks the feast of Saint Joseph, one of the more famous dads in history ;) While the rest of the country quickly adopted the June date which is held as father's day by most of the world I think, the greater Antwerp area stuck to their guns and are still honouring their fathers in March. So will I :D

Remember how nice it was to fall asleep on your dad's capable arm when you were little? Ah, sweet bliss.


  1. terrific illustration! very cool technique.

  2. So adorable! You really captured the moment perfectly. Hilarious about Antwerp having their own day. :)

  3. Ahh so true. Lovely illustration!

  4. Great style, lovely illustration! <3


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