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Wednesday 30 March 2011

Animation Barbie

Now with lifelike bloodshot eyes from too much staring at a computer screen/lightbox! Comes with extra gadgets such as: the lightbox (for short time only with EXTRA pegbar!), camera + stand, laptop, headphones, one big coffee can to get her through those all-nighters as the deadline approaches, sketchpad and her trusty col-erase pencils!

Well, I would have bought her had she excisted... :)

I never was a huge Barbie-lover. I had a few but only played with them sporadicly. So why on earth my mind jumped to this when hearing this week's Illustration Friday prompt "Toy" is just one of those quirky things we'll call 'inspiration'.


  1. Looks like your barbie can easily sell these days...they did have the barbie with the video camera attached. Good concept, and nicely illustrated.

  2. haha! cool barbie concept! :)

  3. There's no time for toying around in the animation biz it seems :D. Like the gadgets that are included, especially the limited time pegbar deal :).

  4. She better dressed than most animators I know! Great illustration!

  5. Nice use of color and great concept.

  6. This is amazing and funny too. (I was a huge Barbie fan as a kid.) Love her deranged bloodshot eyes. Great work!

  7. Hahaha, NICE!!! ;)))) I bet she would be an instant collector; anyway I'd buy her immediately... and so would most of the animators I know. Come on, guys, you know you would. ;p

  8. Too cute! I especially like the way you've rendered her hair and the vague Disney reference...

  9. Haha! Poor animation Barbie - with her bloodshot eyes. This is really clever and beautiful. Nice!

  10. I wonna have one of thooooose!!!
    maybe we should send the suggestion to matel? :)))


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